Thursday, May 14, 2009

More Gardening

There are many pictures this time, as always!

Last time I posted, we had completed one side of the front garden. We finished the second side of the front:

And we lined both sides with bricks.

There were some HUGE rocks in the front yard (sleeping puppy for scale), which turned out to be a small hint at what was to come in the back yard.

We filled the front garden with herbs and marigolds. (Someone (bird? bunny? cat?) ate the marigolds this week.)
In this picture you can see our new neighbor planting her garden also - that house was on the market for over a year and we are very glad she bought it!

So then we were on to the back garden! This one is for vegetables. I made one last year, but had no fence, and it was very small. Bunnies & squirrels ate the entire thing.
We did most of the digging for this in the rain, so there aren't as many pictures. We also found some MONSTER rocks. I think when they built the house, they put all the extra quarried rocks in the backyard, and then dumped a thin layer of dirt over them. We found enough rocks in a 5'x10' plot to do a wall of a garage to match the house, if we build one.

Because the dirt was of such poor quality (clay) and we had to remove so many rocks, we had to buy lots of additional dirt. This is about half of what we put in there.

The biggest rock (they are sitting on it) was 3'x3'x1.5' We couldn't remove it. (Or even lift it to level it!)

Andy the Guinea Pig supervised operations:

Half done, with some dirt in:

Trying to pose with the dogs, who were being extremely uncooperative and loud.

Done! This includes tomatoes, green peppers, romaine lettuce, summer squash, zucchini, cucumbers, beans, and eggplant. It is about half full. We have to buy one more bird netting to keep everything out.

Doing these gardens was a lot of fun - it also allowed us to ignore for a little while the things to deal with on the inside of the house. Like the handles on the shower in the bathroom. And the dishwasher. We did have to hire a guy to fix the dryer after it stopped drying things. We also have to replace the roof - we have been getting quotes, and encountering a lot of scumbags. All of that upcoming...